Harmony® XL PRO
Harmony XL PRO integrates several technologies that come together in perfect harmony to address the most common aesthetic concerns with one customizable workstation. FDA-cleared for over 65 indications, the Harmony XL PRO offers exceptional versatility for practices of any size.
Harmony XL PRO integrates several technologies that come together in perfect harmony to address the most common aesthetic concerns with one customizable workstation. FDA-cleared for over 65 indications, the Harmony XL PRO offers exceptional versatility for practices of any size.
Harmony XL PRO integrates several technologies that come together in perfect harmony to address the most common aesthetic concerns with one customizable workstation. FDA-cleared for over 65 indications, the Harmony XL PRO offers exceptional versatility for practices of any size.
Features & Benefits
Combining multiple clinically prove technologies, like skin resurfacing and laser hair removal, to treat nearly 70 FDA-cleared indications, offering the widest range of aesthetic solutions in one comprehensive device.
Plug-and-play handpieces for multiple technologies make it easy to expand services to meet evolving needs
Offer solutions for the full spectrum of patients with a workstation that address the most common aesthetic concerns for all skin types and areas of the body
With zero consumables to purchase, hit the break-event point and enjoy a healthy per-treatment margin quickly and efficiently
Proven Results
Get Up Close & Technical
Acne Vulgaris
Actinic Cheilitis
Atrophic Acne Scars
Angiomas and Spider Angiomas
Atrophic Dermatitis
Back Acne
Becker’s Nevi
Café-au-Lait Macules
Cavernous Hemangiomas
Cherry Hemangiomas
Cutaneous Lesions
Debulking Benign Tumors
Debulking Cysts
Deep and Superficial Telangiectasias
Elevating and / or Maintaining Tissue Temperature
Ephelides (Freckles)
Epidermal Nevi
Erythema of Rosacea
Facial, Truncal and Leg Telangiectasias
Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Hair Removal on All Skin Types, Including Tanned Skin
Increased Blood Flow, Relaxation of Muscle and Relief of Pain
Leg Veins
Lentigines (Senile and Solar)
Leukoderma, Including Vitiligo
Nevus of Ota
Nevus Spilus
Perioral Wrinkles
Periorbital Wrinkles
Permanent Hair Reduction
Pigmented Lesions
Poikiloderma of Civatte
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae
Psoriasis Treatment
Port Wine Stains
Reduction in Red Pigmentation in Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars
Reticular Veins
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic Keratoses
Skin Resurfacing
Skin Tags
Solar Lentigos
Spider Hemangiomas
Spider Nevi
Spider Veins
Superficial Skin Lesions
Surgical Incision / Excision, Vaporization, Ablation and Coagulation of Soft Tissue
Tattoo Removal: Black, Blue, Green
Tattoo Removal: Light Blue, Yellow, Red
Vascular Lesions
Venous Lake
Venous Malformation